I have and have always thought that it is such a great service provided to the dog community. Even people without dogs benefit from this because it decreases the chances of doggie doo showing up on their yards.
I thought: wouldn't it be great if every neighborhood had dog bag dispensers hanging from sign posts and telephone poles? Inspired by my recent read of The Great Neighborhood Book, I decided to do something about it. I purchased a dispenser of dog bags called Mutt Mitts from Intelligent Products Inc. and hung it on the telephone pole right in front of my house (pictured above).
Isn't that awesome? Free dog bags for everyone in my neighborhood (Del Rey)! Many people pause and look at it as they pass by. One person has been seen taking a bag so far, and another went out of her way to stop my wife to say "Hey, did you put that up? That's really cool!".
I hope the dispenser does its part to keep our neighborhood poop-free and more dog friendly. As long as it doesn't get stolen or vandalized, I plan to keep replenishing the bags. Maybe it'll inspire other neighbors and neighborhoods to add dispensers too.
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